Chest tomography findings at 4, 8 and 12 months follow-up after severe COVID-19 pneumonia. Chest tomography at post-COVID-19 follow-up.
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Introduction. SARS-CoV-2 causes multiorgan damage, with a predilection to the respiratory epithelium. Chest imaging studies have been decisive in many pathologies and during the recent pandemic was no exception. In the follow-up with chest tomography post-COVID-19 in several series, persistence of lesions after discharge and over several months has been observed. The aim of this study was to describe the tomographic findings in patients with follow-up for up to one year after hospital discharge for moderate severe COVID-19. Materials and methods. Retrospective, observational study of patients hospitalized for moderate-severe COVID-19 from March 2020 to March 2022 at ISSSTE hospital, Chiapas-Mexico, with positive SARS-CoV-2 RT-PCR test, hospitalization CT and post-discharge follow-up (0-4 months; 4-8 months; 8-12 months). The terminology of the Fleischner company was used. In addition, the extension per affected lobe was evaluated (>75%, 75-50%, 50-25%, <25%). Results. 27 patients were studied, 74% men, average age 56 years. The predominant tomographic pattern at admission was mixed with 56% and lung extension >75%; glass depulpation 30% and consolidation 11%. At the fourth and eighth month the mixed pattern was the most frequent, at the twelfth month it persisted in 33% of the patients and in 30% of the cases the tomography was normal. As the months passed, the extent of the damage became more limited. Conclusion: The follow-up with tomography in moderate-severe COVID-19 is indisputable. It allows precise identification of the tomographic pattern at different times of the disease, optimization of treatment and reduction of sequelae.
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