How Does the Asthmatic Patient Arrive at the Emergency Department? Data from the SABINA EMERGENCIAS Multicenter Study

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Martín Sívori
Daniel Pascansky
Martín Pascansky
Fernando Saldarini
Valeria Brichetti
Paula Csipka
Eugenia Franchi
Alejandro Videla
Marcelo Rodríguez
Luciana Laborde
María Laura Orazi
Hernán Benito
Carlos Oliva
Ariel Blua


Introduction: The objectives of asthma control are to prevent the onset of symptoms and reduce the risk of exacerbations and mortality through medical education, inhaler technique, adherence to controller medication and indication of action plans (AP); but patients experience exacerbations of varying severity. The main objective of the SABINA EMERGENCIAS study was to describe how patients attend the emergency department (ED), considering the frequency and use of rescue medication. Secondary objectives: ED visits; use of systemic corticosteroids (SC), short-acting beta-2 agonists (SABA) and controller therapy; availability of AP. 

Methods: Cross-sectional, observational, descriptive study in 4 hospitals in the metropolitan area of Buenos Aires in adults with asthma. 

Results: n=323 (age:43.7±16.8 years; women:66.6%): 61.3% were not followed by specialists; 90.1% used SABA as rescue medication (median:10 puffs; range 0-100) the previous week; 75.9% had ≥1 visit to the ES the previous year (median: 2 [0-100]); 29.4% had been hospitalized; 59.1% received ≥1 cycle of CS; median SABA consumption: 3 cannisters/year (0-23); 51.7% had used ≥3 cannisters; 30% did not use maintenance therapy (23% used SABA); 75.9% did not perform regular maintenance therapy; 77.1% did not have an AP. 

Conclusion: A small proportion of asthmatic patients attending the ES are followed by specialist physicians, with high consumption and high frequency of SABA application as rescue medication and low adherence to maintenance treatment. The need to optimize management is highlighted, with emphasis on referral to specialists, adherence to treatment and prescription of APs.


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How to Cite
Sívori, M., Pascansky, D., Pascansky, M., Saldarini, F., Brichetti, V., Csipka, P. ., Franchi, E., Videla, A., Rodríguez, M., Laborde, L., Orazi, M. L., Benito, H., Oliva, C., & Blua, A. (2024). How Does the Asthmatic Patient Arrive at the Emergency Department? Data from the SABINA EMERGENCIAS Multicenter Study. Respirar, 16(3), 245–254.
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