Coverage for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea in Latin America: Report from the Latin American Forum of Respiratory Societies

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Lorena Noriega-Aguirre
Carlos María Franceschini
Amanda Mercedes Alonzo-de Rodríguez
Plutarco Antonio Arias-Arias
Ledys Blanquicett-Barrios
Juan Pablo Byrne
Ronald Chacón-Chaves
Edwin Herrera-Flores
Jorge Iván Miranda
Luis Armando Montaner-Cáceres
Lérida Padrón
Maynor Josué Palma
Mauricio Salinas
Suyapa María Sosa-Ferrari
Leslie Katherine Vargas Ramírez
José Luis Carrillo Alduenda


Introduction: Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) is a public health problem in Latin America, which is a heterogeneous region, with different resources and diverse health systems. The objective was to describe the information collected by the Latin American Forum of Respiratory Societies on access and coverage for diagnostic studies and CPAP treatment of patients with OSA.

Methods: Through the Latin American Thorax Association (ALAT, Spanish acronym), a survey was sent to all member societies with questions about access to diagnosis, treatment, and private insurance coverage. 

Results: The forum included 15 countries. The existence of 396 sleep medicine units was reported, 82% private and 18% public; in 12/15 countries the public health system (PHS) contracts private units to provide services. In all countries, both polysomnography and respiratory polygraphy are performed to make the diagnosis. In only 8 (53%) countries the PHS covers the treatment of OSA (in Argentina, Guatemala and Mexico this coverage is partial); private insurance coverage is in 7/15 countries.

Conclusions: In Latin America there are few formal sleep units and most are private. About half of public health systems do not cover their treatment and, in most cases, private insurance does not offer coverage. This leaves our population vulnerable to the complications of OSA, with a concomitant increase in morbidity, mortality and health costs.


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Noriega-Aguirre, L., Franceschini, C. M., Alonzo-de Rodríguez, A. M., Arias-Arias, P. A., Blanquicett-Barrios, L., Byrne, J. P., Chacón-Chaves, R., Herrera-Flores, E., Miranda, J. I., Montaner-Cáceres, L. A., Padrón, L., Palma, M. J., Salinas, M., Sosa-Ferrari, S. M., Vargas Ramírez, L. K., & Carrillo Alduenda, J. L. (2024). Coverage for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea in Latin America: Report from the Latin American Forum of Respiratory Societies. Respirar, 16(3), 263–270.
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