"Silent or Happy Hypoxemia" in COVID-19: Does it exist?

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Luciano Capelli
Martín Sivori


Since the end of 2019, SARS-CoV2 coronavirus infection has expanded quickly from Asia to become pandemic. Health system was stressed all around the world and most of the health care was redirected to manage patients with COVID-19. But there was a subgroup of patients that drew the attention of physicians because an important hypoxemia is associated with neither symptom of ventilatory insufficiency nor dyspnea. Some authors called this phenomenon “happy” or “silent hypoxemia”. Our objective is to review main aspects of its physiopathology.


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How to Cite
Capelli, L., & Sivori, M. (2022). "Silent or Happy Hypoxemia" in COVID-19: Does it exist? . Respirar, 14(2), 109–114. https://doi.org/10.55720/respirar.14.2.6
Author Biographies

Luciano Capelli

Unidad de Neumotisiología. Hospital de Agudos J. M. Ramos Mejía
Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires. Argentina
Centro Universitario de Neumonología, Universidad de Buenos Aires

Martín Sivori

Unidad de Neumotisiología. Hospital de Agudos J. M. Ramos Mejía
Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires. Argentina
Centro Universitario de Neumonología, Universidad de Buenos Aires

Autor corresponsal: Luciano Capelli, lucianocapelli90@gmail.com

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