Correlation between the Percentage of Lymphocytes in Bronchioalveolar Lavage and Severity in Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis

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Uriel Correa Juárez
Hiram Yair Aguilar Durán
Ivette Buendía Roldán
Miguel Gaxiola


Introduction: Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis (HP) is a Insterstitial Lung Disease (ILD) characterized by a granulomatous inflammatory process, caused by the inhalation of a wide variety of organic powders, which sometimes progresses to fibrosis. Bonquioalveolar Lavage (BAL) is a diagnostic and prognostic method for ILD. The higher the percentage of lymphocytes in the HP, a better evolution has been reported, due to a lower frequency of fibrosis.
Methodology: A retrolective, longitudinal, observational study was conducted in patients in the INER HP cohort, who will have BAL and Respiratory Function Tests (PFT) at the time of diagnosis and at 6 months of follow-up. According to the percentage (%) of lymphocytes, we studied 5 groups (<20%, 20-30%, 30-40%, 40-50% and >50%). We correlated the % of lymphocytes with baseline PFT and follow-up.
Results: We obtained a low positive correlation between the percentage of lymphocytes with baseline CVF (Rho 0.14, P= 0.04); at 6 months of follow-up this correlation was maintained (Rho 0.39, P <0.001), we also identified a moderate positive correlation between the percentage of lymphocytes with the percentage of DLCO (Rho: 0.45, P< 0.001) and with meters walked (Rho: 0.23, P=0.01).
Conclusions: In this study we confirm exists a relation between a higher percentage of lymphocytes in BAL and better PFR and the meters walked in the 6-minute walk test, at 6 months of follow-up.


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How to Cite
Correa Juárez, U. ., Aguilar Durán, H. Y. ., Buendía Roldán, I. ., & Gaxiola, M. . (2022). Correlation between the Percentage of Lymphocytes in Bronchioalveolar Lavage and Severity in Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis. Respirar, 13(1), 22–26. Retrieved from
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Author Biographies

Uriel Correa Juárez

Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades Respiratorias, Laboratorio de Investigación Traslacional en Envejecimiento y Fibrosis Pulmonar. Ciudad de México, México.

Hiram Yair Aguilar Durán

Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades Respiratorias, Laboratorio de Investigación Traslacional en Envejecimiento y Fibrosis Pulmonar. Ciudad de México, México.

Ivette Buendía Roldán

Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades Respiratorias, Laboratorio de Investigación Traslacional en Envejecimiento y Fibrosis Pulmonar. Ciudad de México, México.
Autor corresponsal:
Calzada de Tlalpan, 4502, Col. Sección XVI, C-P 14080, Tlalpan, Ciudad de México, México

Miguel Gaxiola

Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades Respiratorias, Laboratorio de Investigación Traslacional en Envejecimiento y Fibrosis Pulmonar. Ciudad de México, México.

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