Post Covid 19 Adult Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome (MIS-A). A Case Report

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José Carlos Herrera García
Ek Ixel Arellano Montellano
N. Patricia Nuche Salazar
Humberto Acosta Sánchez
Margarita Tellez Bautista
Gabriela Enciso Figueroa
Teresita de J. Balandrano Trujillo
Fátima Delabra Navarro


Introduction: during the COVID 19 pandemic associated with severe pneumonia in the resolution phase in children, a multisystem inflammatory disease called "Kawasaki like" was described, now called Pediatric Multisystem Syndrome (MIS-C). Similar syndromes have been  described in the adult population together with persistent post-COVID syndrome. This new condition has been called Adult Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome (MIS-A) and is characterized by shock, heart failure or persistent hypotension, dyspnea on exertion, mild-moderate hypoxemia, gastric symptoms and persistent elevated systemic inflammation markers after severe pneumonia by COVID 19. Case Report: we present the case of a 56-year-old diabetic male patient who, after 4 weeks of treatment for severe pneumonia and clinical improvement, presents again a sudden case of hypotension, tachycardia, chest pain, dyspnea at rest, severe desaturation and persistent elevated inflammation markers (C-reactive protein, ESR, D-dimer and ferritin). Chest tomography with pneumonia with the presence of bilateral consolidations and generalized ground glass. Echocardiogram with diastolic dysfunction, myopericarditis and secondary endocarditis. MIS-A was diagnosed and treated with IV Immunoglobulin and steroid with favorable response to treatment. Conclusion: this case demonstrates the presence of systemic inflammatory syndrome in adults (MIS-A) as a differential diagnosis in a patient in a persistent post-COVID state. Immunoglobulin and steroids are an alternative treatment to reduce the persistent or uncontrolled inflammatory response.


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How to Cite
Herrera García, J. C. ., Arellano Montellano, E. I. ., Nuche Salazar, N. P. ., Acosta Sánchez, H. ., Tellez Bautista, M. ., Enciso Figueroa, G. ., de J. Balandrano Trujillo, T. ., & Delabra Navarro, F. . (2022). Post Covid 19 Adult Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome (MIS-A). A Case Report. Respirar, 14(1), 47–54.
Casos clínicos
Author Biographies

José Carlos Herrera García

Departamento de Neumología, Hospital Ángeles Puebla

Ek Ixel Arellano Montellano

Unidad de Función Pulmonar SC & SEVERI, Hospital Ángeles Puebla

N. Patricia Nuche Salazar

Departamento de Anestesiología y Terapia Intensiva, Hospital Christus Muguerza UPAEP

Humberto Acosta Sánchez

Departamento de Infectología, Hospital Puebla

Margarita Tellez Bautista

Departamento de Cardiología-Ecocardiograma, Hospital Ángeles Puebla.

Gabriela Enciso Figueroa

Medicina de Rehabilitación Física y Pulmonar, Hospital MAC de Puebla.

Teresita de J. Balandrano Trujillo

Departamento de Nutrición-CIFRE, Hospital Ángeles Puebla.

Fátima Delabra Navarro

Departamento de Reumatología-Clínica de Enfermedades Intersticiales Autoinmunes (EIA), Hospital
Christus Muguerza UPAEP- Hospital Ángeles Puebla