Extraskeletal Ewing's Sarcoma. A Case report.

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Alba López Díaz
Felipe de Jesús Contreras Rodríguez
Aníbal Guerrero Rodríguez
Alberto Delgado Velázquez


Introduction:  Ewing's sarcoma is a high-grade malignant tumor with mainly bony localization; approximately 12% have been reported with extraskeletal presentation. Currently, there are about 20 cases described in the literature with mediastinal origin and 10 pulmonary cases. 

Case Report: We present the case of a 25-year-old woman with one month of dyspnea and chest pain, with massive pleural effusion and mediastinal tumor in the right hemithorax who underwent bilateral anterior thoracotomy with Clamshell transverse sternotomy, with partial resection demonstrating, by pathology, high-grade monomorphic sarcoma and conclusive immunohistochemistry of Ewing's sarcoma.

Conclusion: This case is a rare entity and involves a diagnostic challenge for the clinician; however, it should be suspected considering the clinical and radiological presentation of the patient, seeking to increase the survival rate through timely diagnosis and treatment.


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How to Cite
López Díaz, A., Contreras Rodríguez, F. de J., Guerrero Rodríguez, A., & Delgado Velázquez, A. . (2024). Extraskeletal Ewing’s Sarcoma. A Case report. Respirar, 16(3), 317–322. https://doi.org/10.55720/respirar.16.3.10
Casos clínicos


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