Origin and Progress of the International Pneumoconiosis Observatory

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Diemen Delgado García
Mauricio Fonseca-Muñoz
Ricardo Jorquera-Núñez
Fernando Peñafiel-Castillo
Robert A. Cohen
Narufumi Suganuma
Anselmo López-Guillén
Stefano Basilico


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Delgado García, D., Fonseca-Muñoz, M., Jorquera-Núñez, R., Peñafiel-Castillo, F. ., Cohen, R. A., Suganuma, N. ., López-Guillén, A., & Basilico, S. (2024). Origin and Progress of the International Pneumoconiosis Observatory. Respirar, 16(3), 323–326. https://doi.org/10.55720/respirar.16.3.11
Letters to the Editor


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